Friday, September 18, 2009


Today is day three of blogging. I would like to somehow use it to interact with students, but I still can't imagine how. Like they say in "what about bob" baby steps.

I've got a student aid to help with some of the mundane tasks that drag me down every year. That will make a huge difference.

An old high school friend found some cool stuff on the internet about fractals. I'd like to post it here, or show it, or whatever you call it... We'll learn that soon, I'm sure.

It is Friday!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I still feel I don't know what I'm doing. However, you aren't really swimming until you're in the deep end.

A big thank you to Kurt and Kelly. They are both amazing. I think of them both as extremely talented, yet able to relate to students and the rest of us average and even some of us that may be a little below average :) I'm honored to be teaching in the same building as them.

Now, enough nice stuff. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 16261

Who knew the first day of blogging would occur on such a special day. This number is significant to me... and it's a palindrome!